
Dear Parents:

Over the next few weeks, your child will learn different methods for adding three-digit and four-digit numbers and for subtracting a number from a four-digit number. Your
child will also learn how to estimate to determine the reasonableness of a computed answer. Your child will learn that there are many different ways to add and subtract numbers mentally.
To reinforce the concepts your child is learning at school, you and your child can work
on some at-home activities such as these:
• Play a game with three or four dice. Each player rolls the dice and records the greatest and least numbers that can be made from the three or four digits. They then use the numbers to create two equations: “greatest number – least number” and “least number + greatest number.” For each round, the player with the least difference and the player with the greatest sum get a point. To include 0 and numbers greater than 6, you may use number cards in place of the dice.
• Examine flyers advertising furniture and electronics with prices under $1000. Tell your child to add the dollar amounts, and have them determine the total price for two items.
• Measure lengths in centimetres and use them to solve addition and subtraction problems. For example, your child can measure the sides of a table and calculate the perimeter or distance around. The child can measure and use subtraction to determine the difference between the length and width of a room.
• Use statistics about local sports teams to create addition and subtraction problems.

Happy learning!

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